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pedagogy in learning and teaching

Revolutionizing Education: The Role of Pedagogy in Modern Learning and Teaching

May 11, 2023 Team Creatrix

Education has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations when information was passed down by oral tradition and apprenticeships. Formalized educational systems arose, with pedagogy at the forefront of modern teaching and learning. Pedagogy is the study of educational theory and practice, including how knowledge is delivered and gained. As society evolves, so, too, does our approach to education. With the advancement of technology and the growing requirement for critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, it is more necessary than ever to revolutionize education.

LMS Blog image

The definitive guide to Learning Management System

December 14, 2020 Team Creatrix

Ever been on shopping for the Best Learning Management System and found you returned without buying one?

Virtual Classroom Software

Deal with the crisis with online teaching from home: 12 ways of doing it successfully using a virtual classroom software

May 18, 2020 Team Creatrix

What is a virtual classroom software?

A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom, the only difference is that it uses technical tools to interact with students in real-time. The virtual classroom software helps higher education institutions to manage classes remotely using interactive tools for collaboration, brainstorming, ideation, and discussion. All this is followed by instant assessments and result publications to measure the learning that happened in the session.



What is an LMS?

February 07, 2018 Team Creatrix

If you search LMS on Google, you would probably end up getting over 60 million results. It is the newest trend in the corporate world and a possible solution for providing education to all. While you would get some information from your Google search, most of it would be from a specific point of view and over half of it would be marketing an existing incomplete product. So we decided to write a blog that should answer all your questions once and for all.


social learning

10 strategies for engaging students with intelligent social learning

May 22, 2015 Team Creatrix

Social learning platforms are becoming ever more popular in today's tech-savvy educational institutions around the world. Schools and Colleges can leverage the wealth of academic resources to benefit the community of users including students, teachers and staff from anywhere. Social learning is highly relevant for today's classroom management system and offers a number of advantages to the entire community across the campus, and beyond.


The transformative power of blended learning technologies in K-12 and Higher Education

March 09, 2015 Team Creatrix

Blended learning is a capricious mix of technology and teaching methods in the classroom. Classroom learning is changing every generation and how innovative learning tools enables teachers to design course content, assignments and assessments in the learning space. Using cutting-edge synchronous communication tools has advanced the state of higher education and keep it compelling. More and more education institutes want to automate the learning process, optimize the resources, spur innovation and promote collaborative learning and teaching in the global market.


Developing a custom Learning Management System (LMS) to drive student success

March 03, 2015 Team Creatrix

We are living in a new age of education where every student has different set of needs and technology has personalized learning, where each school thinks and operates differently. No two educational system functions in the same way. There are some products in the market which offers solution to manage the learning needs of institutions.There are various categories of students, some might be slow learner, some quick and some need more tutoring and few needs practical experience and so on.